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Queensland Biomedical Business Attraction Program

The Queensland Biomedical Business Attraction Program (previously the Queensland Biomedical Voucher Program) is a key initiative of the Queensland Biomedical 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan. It is designed to attract interstate and international biomedical industry to access Queensland’s biomedical capabilities.

The program will

  • encourage collaboration between businesses
  • encourage collaboration between businesses and universities/research institutes
  • grow awareness of local industry through associated supply chain opportunities.

The program will provide funding to local biomedical businesses by meeting up to one third of the cost of providing their services to interstate or international businesses. The client will pay at least two thirds of the fees for the proposed services. Funding will be capped at $250,000 per project (excluding GST).

Round 4

  • Applications open 6 March 2024
  • Applications close 5 pm, 31 May 2024
  • Funds available $1.5 million

How to apply

Apply online.

Funding recipients are anticipated to be announced in August 2024.

Key documents

Please note: application checklists and guidance notes are included via the online application form.

Previous rounds

Successful recipients under the Queensland Biomedical Voucher Program include Patheon, The University of Queensland, Anteo Technologies, Microba, and Queensland University of Technology.

Last updated: 06 Mar 2024