Our vision is for Queensland to be a globally competitive Asia-Pacific biomedical industry hub by 2027.
The Queensland Biomedical 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan ( 605.5 KB) sets out how we are going to grow, support and attract biomedical enterprises over the next five years and beyond.
The roadmap is a future plan for how Queensland will:
- support a pipeline of local start-ups by facilitating access to required facilities and providing training to equip start-ups with the skills needed to succeed in the industry
- support existing businesses to grow by leveraging funding programs and innovation precincts and addressing supply chain gaps
- attract new businesses and international and interstate investment to Queensland.
A$2.18B estimated annual gross value added to the Queensland economy
17,200 people employed
Export value estimated at $534.3M
Queensland’s world-class biomedical ecosystem – boasting a wealth of cutting-edge biomedical companies and research institutions, established and emerging health precincts, world-class universities and a highly-skilled workforce – is going from strength to strength.
Queensland is home to a cluster of agile, innovative and entrepreneurial biomedical businesses.
Our pre-clinical and early-phase clinical trial capabilities are underpinned by sophisticated academic health translation research infrastructure.
Queensland is in an ideal position to continue to attract international companies and to build sovereign capability in areas such as the development, manufacture and delivery of vaccines.
We have:
- global expertise in tropical medicine and infectious diseases
- an educated, highly skilled workforce with access to world-class training facilities
- world-class research based within key innovation precincts
- high-value niche businesses supported by an established network of service providers
- expertise in e-health, comprehensive pathology information and telemedicine
- attractive location for clinical trials with sophisticated academic health translation research infrastructure
- access to and shared time zones with high-growth markets in the Asia-Pacific region
- home of Australia's leading biopharmaceutical contract manufacturer.
Why invest in Queensland’s biomedical sector
Innovative and highly skilled workforce
- Knowledge corridor, with dozens of innovation-led organisations.
- 12 research-focused universities, with four in the world’s top 250.
- World-class training, teaching and research facilities.
- Highly skilled workforce with strong technical and academic collaboration.
- Over two decades of state government investment in science and innovation.
- Superior scientific talent and excellent research and medical infrastructure.
Industry support and incentives
- Fast, pragmatic regulatory pathway with rapid ethics approval.
- Clinical data complies with top international standards.
- Very competitive business costs.
- Low payroll tax, high exemption threshold (A$1.3 million).
- Stable economic and political environment and the most decentralised of mainland Australian states.
- Over 27 years of economic growth in Queensland and Australia.
Stability and economic growth
- Higher annual growth rate than the rest of Australia
- AA+ / Aa1 / AA credit rating and AA ESG rating
- Exports to almost 200 countries
- Enviable, relaxed lifestyle and world-famous natural attractions.
- Lowest median house price in a capital city on the east coast.
- Average of 300 days of sunshine annually.
Recent achievements
- The Queensland Government (led by State Development) hosted AusBiotech 2023, Australia's largest Life Sciences Conference in Brisbane.
Industry support and attraction incentives
Translation and Commercialisation Skills Gap
The pilot Translation and Commercialisation Skills Gap program is a strategic collaboration between the Queensland Government and Brandon BioCatalyst, Australasia’s leading life science venture capital firm. It was developed to accelerate the commercialisation of new medical breakthroughs and technologies being developed in Queensland.
12 companies and leaders have been selected to participate in a four-part workshop series on topics ranging from business planning and grants, clinical development pathways, regulatory strategies and partnering and capital raising, in preparation for attendance at BIO 2024.
In addition, the wider Queensland biomedical ecosystem can was able to access seminars delivered under the program to help prepare for translation of products, engage with regulatory agencies, frameworks and pathways, learn about clinical translation and the importance of company formation, governance and fundraising to build a sustainable business for the future. These challenges were identified by industry in the development of the Queensland Biomedical 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan ( 605.5 KB).
Queensland Biomedical Business Attraction Program
The Queensland Biomedical Business Attraction Program is a key initiative of the Queensland Biomedical 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan. It's designed to attract interstate and international biomedical industry to access Queensland’s biomedical capabilities.
Other industry support
We’re helping Queensland biomedical small-to-medium businesses like yours find funding and support to help you grow. Assistance programs are often designed to be accessed throughout different stages of the business lifecycle, so you can find the right opportunity for your business.
Find out more about Team Queensland or read the why Queensland brochure ( 2.2 MB) to find out more about how we support Queensland businesses in the biomedical sector.
If you are unable to find the support you need in our industry support directory, please contact us.
Industry highlights
Last updated: 28 Jun 2024