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Right to information

The Queensland Government has made a commitment to provide access to information held by the government, unless on balance it is contrary to the public interest to provide that information.

The Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) came into effect on 1 July 2009, and provide formal methods of accessing documents held by the government.

Applications for documents under the RTI Act and the IP Act are intended to be necessary only as a last resort. This is because it is the government’s preference to provide information administratively where appropriate, avoiding the need for applications under the RTI and IP Acts.

The IP Act also provides a formal method for individuals to apply to amend their personal information in documents held by the government which the individual believes is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading.

Is the information you're looking for already available?

Our website provides a wide range of information about our department and its functions and activities.

You can also check to see if information you are seeking is already publicly available online through:

Certain types of information can be accessed under our Administrative access scheme (the Scheme), which provides a process for requests for information to be dealt with informally and quickly — a phone call or email may be all that is required.

If you cannot find what you are looking for, and before making an application to the department under the RTI or IP Act, we recommend contacting our Right to Information team on (07) 3452 6949 or by email at We can help determine if the information you are seeking is held by the department and is accessible (including administratively under the Department’s Administrative access scheme) or if you need to make an application under the RTI Act or IP Act to access it.

How to make an application for documents under the RTI Act or IP Act

If you are only seeking documents that contain your personal information, then you may apply under the IP Act – there is no application fee for applications under the IP Act. If you would like any documents that do not contain your personal information, then you will need to apply under the RTI Act – there is an application fee for applications under the RTI Act. Access charges may apply to applications made under either Act. See the ‘More information’ section below for details about current fees and charges.

If you need to make an application under the RTI Act or the IP Act to apply for access to documents that we hold, you can do so in one of the following ways:

If the application seeks access to any document containing the applicant’s personal information, then the applicant must provide evidence of their identity with the application or within ten business days of making the application (e.g. a certified copy of the applicant’s driver licence). If the application is made on behalf of another person or entity (as their agent), we also require evidence of the agent’s identity, as well as evidence of their authority to act as an agent for the applicant (e.g. a signed written authority authorising the agent to make the application on behalf of the applicant).

How to make an application to amend your personal information under the IP Act

If you believe that your personal information we hold is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading, you can make an application to the department under the IP Act to apply to have this information amended. To make an application to amend your personal information, complete and submit the printable Information Privacy Personal Information Amendment Application form (external site) to the department via:

The applicant must provide evidence of their identity with the application or within ten business days of making the application (e.g. a certified copy of the applicant’s driver licence). If the application is made on behalf of another individual (as their agent), we also require evidence of the agent’s identity, as well as evidence of their authority to act as an agent for the applicant.

Further information

Last updated: 06 Jun 2024