Queensland's regions
Queensland has boundless natural beauty and a lifestyle that’s the envy of the world. It boasts a robust, competitive and diverse economy.
To find out more about regional Queensland, local economic development opportunities and the wide range of assistance available through your local regional economic development office, select your region of interest below:
- Central Queensland
- Darling Downs South West
- Far North Queensland
- Mackay Isaac Whitsunday
- North Queensland
- North West Queensland
- South East Queensland North
- South East Queensland South
- South East Queensland West
- Wide Bay Burnett Bundaberg Burnett
- Wide Bay Burnett Fraser Coast Gympie
Regional Growth Framework
Through the Regional Growth Framework, we're aligning industry development, infrastructure needs and regional planning. The framework takes a place-based approach, bringing together community, government, industry and private-sector stakeholders to provide advice on economic, social and environmental outcomes for their region.
Queensland has several distinct regions, each with its own character and offering something unique. Each region has advantages in key industries with significant potential to attract new investment, expand business and drive their economies forward.
Strong business and employment opportunities are present in many relatively large and economically diversified regional centres across Queensland. It’s the most populous state in Australia; in fact, Queensland is the most decentralised of all the mainland states, with 49% of the population living in the capital city, compared with 68% in other states.
Regional offices
We have a network of 11 regional offices that provide strategic support and regional development services throughout Queensland. Their work is focused on three key objectives: expanding businesses, growing industry and developing our regions.
Services include:
- providing targeted local support to create jobs, investment and a pipeline of regional projects and services to enable delivery of the government’s priority sector roadmaps and strategies
- working closely with business, local governments and regional economic development organisations to identify distinct opportunities and advantages for industries with significant potential to attract new investment, expand business and drive local economies forward.
Contact your local regional office.
Expanding businesses
We aim to support Queensland businesses by growing their capabilities to increase participation in major project supply chains. We do this by:
- delivering industry capability services and programs and tailored support to develop growth plans and improving business efficiency
- maximising local procurement on major projects and helping major project proponents meet and exceed local purchasing targets/requirements
- hosting and promoting forums and supply opportunities to regional stakeholders, networks and businesses.
Growing industry
Our regional office network delivers objectives and activities in line with the government’s priority sector roadmaps and strategies. Opportunities associated with Australian Government activities are also identified and promoted to key industries and local governments.
Opportunities include:
- facilitating links between government funding and private investors, with the aim of increasing investment, jobs and regional growth.
- increasing knowledge, capability and competitiveness of high-growth businesses and councils.
- providing targeted support to ensure reliable supply and limited disruption of essential goods and services.
Developing our regions
Our regional office network works collaboratively with local stakeholders to identify and address regional issues. This includes:
- coordinating rapid response activities, including the Worker Transition Scheme, which provides information and support services to workers impacted by business closures or redundancy programs
- targeted regional economic diversification and development plans
- leading on-the-ground economic recovery work following natural disasters and major disruptions to business operations
- supporting Remote Area Boards to undertake economic projects, services and activities.
Contact us
Get in touch with your local Queensland regional office to learn more.
Last updated: 04 Sep 2024