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Strengthening North West Queensland

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The North West Queensland region encompasses the nine local government areas of Burke, Carpentaria, Cloncurry, Doomadgee, Flinders, McKinlay, Mornington, Mount Isa and Richmond.

The region has a total land area of 307,082.2 km2, with an average daily temperature range of 18.6°C to 32.5°C and an average annual rainfall of 573 mm.

The North West Minerals Province, located in the north-west region, is one of the world's most significant base and precious metals producers, while a thriving beef industry is a strong economic stimulator. The north -west region is also a popular destination for tourists seeking an off-the-beaten-track experience. Tourists can explore world-class fossil sites, cultural heritage sites and paddle down the tranquil and picturesque Lawn Hill Gorge.

Our North West Queensland regional office is one of 11 regional offices across Queensland supporting businesses to mature, grow and invest.

Support is facilitated via one-on-one interactions, information, presentations and workshops (both online and face-to-face). A number of pre-recorded sessions are also available on how to promote your business’s products and services to others.


31,160 (ERP 2023p ABS)


Labour force 16,871 (June quarter 2023)


  • abundant mineral wealth and natural resources
  • thriving pastoral industries
  • a vital transport corridor with easy access to major transport routes
  • established local supply chains
  • proximity to growing Asian markets
  • the world’s largest natural aquifer, the Great Artesian Basin
  • world-class fossil deposits
  • national parks and cultural heritage sites
  • resilient and diverse economy
  • Riversleigh World Heritage Fossil Site
  • thriving outback experience, tourism industry

Main industries

  • mining and minerals processing
  • agriculture, beef
  • tourism

Key projects

The North West Minerals Province pipeline of projects is an initiative of the North West Queensland Economic Diversification Strategy and provides awareness of upcoming employment and business opportunities. Government is partnering with proponents to progress many of these projects to help boost local economies.

Local content activities

We’re committed to providing local businesses with full, fair and reasonable opportunities to participate in government and non-government projects across Queensland.  This is done by delivering a range of activities to help local businesses find project opportunities, compete for work and improve their tendering and supply chain capabilities.

View all upcoming events and opportunities in the region including:

  • workshops
  • mentoring services
  • industry briefings that support businesses at all stages of project supply chains

You can also learn more about the regional manufacturing hubs and support provided to the region.

Local economic opportunities network

The local economic opportunities network (LEO network) assists regional councils and communities with decarbonisation and the economic opportunities associated with a decarbonised economy.

The LEO network will work with key stakeholders to identify, collect and discuss local opportunities and distribute information on government programs and services.

The LEO network is part of the Queensland new-industry development strategy. QNIDS was established to support investment in clean energy technology and help communities take advantage of the economic opportunities available in Queensland.

Mount Isa Transition Fund

The Queensland Government is investing up to $50 million to support workers affected by the closure in 2025 of Glencore’s Mount Isa copper mine and copper concentrator and the Lady Loretta zinc mine. The support package includes up to $20 million for an economic structural adjustment through the Mount Isa Transition Fund. A resource acceleration project of up to $30 million will be delivered by Queensland Treasury in conjunction with the Department of Resources. Glencore‘s other regional assets will remain operational.

The Fund aims to support job creation for the local workforce, and strengthen the economy, liveability and community resilience in Mount Isa.

The Mount Isa and Region Futures Advisory Committee will support the delivery of the Fund through place-based advice to the government.

Regional Economic Futures Fund

The Regional Economic Futures Fund, known as the REFF, is a $200 million program to support communities in seizing industry development opportunities presented by global decarbonisation.

REFF is a component of the Queensland new-industry development strategy (QNIDS) and the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan (QEJP).

North West Queensland (including the corridor to Townsville) is one of the identified regions with a Regional Transformation Strategy and Implementation Plan being developed through consultation with local communities. This Strategy will be released soon.

REFF funding will be allocated to specific projects which have been identified through regional consultation to best support the region’s economy over the long term, creating sustainable jobs and stronger, diverse economies.

Actions contained within the Regional Transformation Strategy will be funded through the REFF.

Further information

Contact our North West Queensland regional office to find out more.

Last updated: 03 Jun 2024