Mount Isa Transition Fund
The Queensland Government is investing up to $50 million to support workers affected by the pending closure of Glencore’s Mount Isa copper mine and copper concentrator and the Lady Loretta zinc mine. The support package includes up to $20 million for an economic structural adjustment through the Mount Isa Transition Fund (MITF). A resource acceleration project of up to $30 million will be delivered by Queensland Treasury in conjunction with the Department of Resources. Glencore‘s other regional assets will remain operational.
About the fund
The fund aims to support job creation for the local workforce, strengthen the economy, liveability and community resilience in Mount Isa in the short-to-medium term. Projects will be considered for funding under two streams:
- Initiatives that strengthen Mount Isa’s economy through immediate job creation and/or worker transition pathways.
- Initiatives that enhance Mount Isa’s attractiveness as a place for people to live and work.
Key dates
- Expressions of interest closed 5 pm, 8 March.
- Detailed applications closed 5 pm, 3 May.
- Successful recipients expected to be announced late 2024.
The Mount Isa and Region Futures Advisory Committee
This committee has been established to support the delivery of the fund through place-based advice to the government. Membership of the committee is drawn from representatives of:
- Glencore
- Mount Isa City Council
- Mount Isa Water Board
- Commerce North West
- Australian Workers' Union
- North West Queensland Indigenous Catholic Social Services
- Queensland Resources Council
- Kalkadoon Native Title Aboriginal Corporation Registered Native Title Body Corporate
- Queensland Government, represented by:
- Department of Resources
- Department of State Development and Infrastructure
- Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Frequently asked questions
The Mount Isa Transition Fund (MITF) is part of the Queensland Government’s investment package to support workers affected by the closure of Glencore’s Mount Isa copper mine and copper concentrator and the Lady Loretta Zinc Mine. Glencore’s remaining regional assets will remain open.
Mount Isa is at the heart of one of the richest minerals provinces in the world, with new critical industry minerals worth a potential $500 billion ready to be mined. With Glencore’s operations closure, we want to protect jobs and retain skilled workers in the region. This includes a focus on strengthening the Mount Isa economy, small business, liveability and community resilience for the future.
The fund is focused on attracting initiatives that will deliver direct benefits in the short to medium term to local businesses, community and workforce in Mount Isa and keeping existing local businesses. The Queensland Government is seeking proposals that align with one of the two identified streams for investment.
- An economic and employment stream
- A liveability and community resilience stream.
Projects may include, but are not limited to: infrastructure delivery, business development, training and education, new or expanded services.
The following projects are not eligible for funding:
- projects that have already commenced or have decisions made to commence regardless of the financial support from the government.
- projects that have already received Queensland Government funding for the same project costs.
- projects that could be funded in a suitable timeframe through other programs of the Queensland Government.
- projects that would otherwise be covered by Glencore’s obligations under their enterprise agreement.
- projects that combine multiple, discrete projects that are not interdependent and could reasonably be delivered separately.
- projects that have not secured sufficient funding from other sources to cover any Ineligible Project Costs.
- projects that require ongoing funding from the Queensland Government.
To be eligible for funding under the MITF, the applicant must:
- be a legal entity with an active Australian Business Number (ABN) or Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN), have a bank account in the name of the legal entity and be registered for the Goods and Services Tax (GST).
- demonstrate internal approval to make the application.
Yes, if they meet the eligibility criteria for the MITF.
Yes, but proposed projects will need to demonstrate they are able to deliver direct benefits in the short to medium term to local businesses, community or workforce in Mount Isa.
Yes. Where a joint application is submitted by a consortium, a lead organisation must be nominated for the application.
If the application is successful, the lead organisation for the project will be party to the funding agreement, receive the funding and assume legal responsibility for performing the activities and meeting the outcomes under the funding agreement.
Yes. Applicants with more than one discrete project that can be delivered separately should complete a separate application for each project. Applicants with more than one project should identify their most meritorious projects in order as applications are expected to be highly competitive.
If a joint application is made by a consortium of partners, a lead organisation must be nominated for the application.
Please email and advise that you need to attach more information to your application. Please include your application reference number.
You will receive an email from SmartyGrants inviting you to include the information. Please do not include/attach the information to your requesting email.
No. Projects that have already commenced or have decisions made to commence, regardless of whether they have secured government or non-government financial support, are not eligible for funding. Projects that expand upon or deliver additional benefits would still be considered.
Application and assessment for the MITF will involve the following process:
Step one – Expression of interest: you may choose to submit an online expression of interest form, to facilitate discussion of your proposal with the department. This step is encouraged but optional.
Step two – Queensland online detailed application: you submit an online detailed application. This step is mandatory for all applications.
Step three – Queensland Government assessment and approval: Detailed applications will be assessed and reviewed by a Moderation Panel who will shortlist projects to progress. At this step, you may be requested to provide further details in relation to your application. The Moderation Panel will assess the detailed application against the assessment criteria, undertake due diligence investigations and make a recommendation on the project. Consultation may be undertaken with appropriate Queensland Government agencies and external specialists as required, including the Mount Isa and Regions Futures Advisory Committee, where appropriate. An Interdepartmental Panel will determine the projects to be put forward to the financial delegate for approval of funding.
Step four – Notification and funding agreement: The Queensland Government will notify project proponents of the outcome of their project proposal. If successful, a conditional letter of offer will be issued with information about the terms on which funding will be made available.
No. Funding will be offered to the most meritorious applications.
The program team will maintain ongoing contact with applicants throughout the assessment process. Announcements about successful projects will start being made as successful projects are contracted.
Successful projects can start when a funding agreement has been signed and executed.
The total minimum funding request is $100,000 (excluding GST). The total maximum funding request is $2 million (excluding GST).
The amount of funding allocated to successful projects will be at the discretion of the Queensland Government, with applications considered on their merit and alignment with program guidelines.
There is no obligation for applicants to contribute towards the total project cost, although the extent of financial contribution by the applicant or other parties will be considered in assessing the merit of projects.
Unsuccessful applicants from Round 1 may be eligible to apply for funding under Round 2. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Mount Isa Response Team for feedback.
The online lodgement process is hosted via a secure site and application documentation will remain confidential (subject to provisions of the Right to Information Act 2009). Project details may be discussed with other Queensland Government agencies and MIRFAC members.
The Queensland Government has been supporting the economic diversification of the North West Minerals Province over several years with significant investment and planning undertaken. The most recent announcement on closures by Glencore will have a significant impact on the Mount Isa community and economy in the short to medium term which this fund seeks to address. On this basis eligibility for local governments to apply to the fund has been limited to just Mount Isa City Council, however other applicants are encouraged to apply with a focus sought on delivering benefits to Mount Isa.
Please refer to the Applicant Guidelines available on this website
For further questions, please email or telephone (07) 3452 7416.
Mount Isa Transition Fund – Round 1 applicant guidelines ( 557.9 KB)
Notification of amendment to Section 3.5, page 9 of the guidelines:
Portable assets have been deleted as an ineligible cost and the following wording has been added to Eligible costs: Assets (including portable) are eligible if they are essential to achieving the project outcomes. This may include for example vehicles and machinery or ICT equipment etc.
Other relevant regional economic strategies include the North West Queensland Economic Diversification Strategy.
Further questions
If you have any further questions, please contact the Mount Isa Response team or telephone (07) 3452 7416. Please call between 9am and 4pm from Monday to Friday.
Last updated: 02 May 2024