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Community engagement

The Queensland Government began community consultation on Queen's Wharf Brisbane in May 2013. This engagement included:

  • online surveys
  • community reference groups
  • formal public consultations
  • industry engagement with key property, heritage and development bodies
  • interactive workshops
  • regional showcase
  • social media
  • monthly newsletters
  • print and online advertisements
  • a dedicated project shop front open weekdays to the community
  • engagement with the Indigenous community
  • Statutory submissions

Key components of community consultation prior to the construction of Queen’s Wharf Brisbane commencing is listed below.

  • DateAction
    1 January 2017 Site handover media event with the Destination Brisbane Consortium (DBC) and Royal Historical Society of Queensland
    17 February 2017 Major Projects Series in Bundaberg
    5 April 2017 Queensland Public Sector Young Leaders Conference in Brisbane
    10 April 2017 Billboard tells Queen's Wharf jobs story media event with DBC.
    15 August 2017 Gaming, Wagering and Racing Australia Summit in Sydney
    30 August 2017 Regional Projects Forum in South East Queensland West
    1 September 2017 Regional Projects Forum in Mackay Isaac Whitsunday
    September to 19 October 2017 DBC Plan of Development (PoD) application public notification submission period on Economic Development Queensland website.
    15 September 2017 Australian Steel Conference on the Gold Coast
    25 October 2017 Australian Institute of Building Queensland CPD event in Brisbane
    27 October 2017 CEDA Tourism event in Brisbane
    31 October 2017 Far North Queensland Regional Projects Forum in Cairns
    3 November 2017 Dedication of new Netherlands and Netherlands East Indies Memorial in Roma Street Parkland (formerly situated in QWB precinct)
  • DateAction
    3 December 2015 to 11 February 2016 Call for submissions on the Queen's Wharf Brisbane Bill 2015.
    9 February 2016 Institute of Quarrying Australia's Queensland branch event.
    17 February 2016 Public Briefing – Examination of the Queen's Wharf Brisbane Bill 2015 with the Queensland Government Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee.
    23 February 2016 to 18 March 2016 Call for submissions on the Brisbane Casino Agreement Amendment Bill 2016.
    25 February 2016 The Brisbane Club lunch on Queen's Wharf Brisbane.
    16 March 2016 Public Briefing – Examination of the Brisbane Casino Agreement Amendment Bill 2016 with the Queensland Government Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee.
    18 March 2016 Civil Contractors Federation Conference.
    17 April 2016 Ministerial media statement – announcing relocation of the statue of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II from Queen's Place to Government House Queensland.
    19 April 2016 Queensland Parliament debate of the Brisbane Casino Agreement Amendment Bill 2016 and the Queen's Wharf Brisbane Bill 2015.
    19 April 2016 Ministerial media statement – advising that Queensland Parliament today passed the Brisbane Casino Agreement Amendment Bill 2016 and the Queen's Wharf Brisbane Bill 2015.
    7 June 2016 Moreton Bay Major Project Forum.
    9 June 2016 Commerce Caboolture presentation on QWB.
    12 June 2016 Department of State Development Major Projects Series on QWB.
    15 June 2016 Toowoomba & Surat Basin Enterprise presentation on QWB
    18 August 2016 Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) Future Cities Summit
    26 August 2016 Mackay Regional Major Projects Briefing
    6 September 2016 Regional Major Projects Forum on the Gold Coast
    7 September 2016 Rockhampton Major Project Series on QWB
    4 October 2016 Major Projects Series in Townsville
    6 October 2016 Wide Bay Burnett Regional Economic Development Growth Forum
    20 October 2016 Major Projects Series in Ipswich
    26 October 2016 Smart Cities Conference in Sydney
    27 October 2016 Major Projects Series on the Gold Coast
    23 to 25 November 2016 Engineers Australia Conference
    3 December 2016 Commenced a call for submissions on the Queen's Wharf Brisbane Bill 2015.
    10 December 2016 Executive Building Farewell
  • DateAction
    December 2013 to July 2015 QWB display and shopfront open weekdays. Opening times were advertised by social media, website, monthly update, at industry events, etc.
    21 July 2015 Ministerial media statement to announce the preferred proponent.
    7 August to 21 September 2015 Public notification of the proposed development scheme for the QWB Priority Development Area (the submission period).
    18 August 2015 Information session #1 on the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning's Queen's Wharf Brisbane Proposed Development Scheme.
    2 September 2015 Information session #2 on the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning's Queen's Wharf Brisbane Proposed Development Scheme.
    3 September 2015 Infrastructure Association of Queensland (IAQ) Queen's Wharf Brisbane breakfast.
    14 September 2015 Information session #3 on the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning's Queen's Wharf Brisbane Proposed Development Scheme.
    14 October 2015 Property Council of Australia Queen's Wharf Brisbane event.
    21 October 2015 CitySmart briefing on Queen's Wharf Brisbane.
    13 November 2015 FutureNet - Transforming Queen's Wharf: what do the cards hold for Northbank?
    16 November 2015 Ministerial media statement announcing contractual close.
    25 November 2015 Civil Contractors Federation (CCF) Queen's Wharf Brisbane update.
    1 and 2 December 2015 Queensland Infrastructure Projects Conference.
  • DateAction
    March to June 2014 QWB street banners hung around the precinct to showcase the site.
    5 March 2014 Ministerial media statement announcing how many parties had registered their interest in QWB.
    1 April 2014 Ministerial media statement announcing which parties had submitted formal Expressions of Interests for QWB.
    12 April 2014 An open information session held in South Brisbane for the Brisbane Indigenous community.
    April to May 2014 Series of one-on-one meetings were held with the Brisbane Indigenous community
    28 May 2014 Ministerial media statement announcing final four proponents for QWB.
    July to October 2014 Interactive workshops held between the State and final two proponents in which they met with key stakeholders.
    17 July 2014 QWB presentation at a Brisbane Development Association breakfast (PDF, 7.1MB).
    18 September 2014 QWB  at the State's Major Projects Conference (PDF, 6.9MB).
    14 October 2014 QWB video published on YouTube.
    22 December 2014 Final two design concepts released to the community.
  • DateAction
    11 April to 3 May 2013 The QWB project team participated in the Brisbane Ideas Fiesta 2013 in which residents, visitors and businesses were invited to share their ideas for imaging the future of our city centre.
    22 May 2013 Ministerial media statement released to advise that the State will engage with the community, Brisbane City Council and the property and development industry to determine their visions for the precinct.
    May 2013 Commenced discussions with peak property and development bodies, including the Property Council of Australia, Brisbane Development Association and the National Trust.
    19 June 2013 Launched 'Have Your Say' online survey
    June to September 2013 Community events held in the Brisbane CBD to give the public the opportunity to talk to the project team (announced via a Ministerial media statement)
    July 2013 The State hosted three community reference groups on the project.
    July to August 2013 Project officers were located in the Brisbane City Council library, Reddacliff Place and Queen Street Mall who also handed out around 3000 information cards (announced via a Ministerial media statement).
    5 August 2013 The QWB project team participated in the Bridge to Bridge, River to Ridge Urban Design Workshop which formed the QWB’s Vision and Objectives.
    August 2013 Project officers attended Ekka to discuss the project with the community (announced via a Ministerial media statement).
    26 August 2013 Ministerial media statement announcing closure of public consultation activities.
    September 2013 The State commissioned an external consultant to undertake an independent review and analysis (PDF, 276.7KB) of the findings from the consultation activities.
    October 2013 The State engaged an external consultant to undertake a second online survey with the Brisbane community to further understand what residents would prefer to have in the precinct in the future.
    21 November 2013 Ministerial media statement to announce that the Government Precinct Redevelopment had been renamed Queen's Wharf Brisbane.
    November 2013 Commencement of the QWB  monthly update. Published online and distributed to the community, tenants and industry. Individuals could also subscribe to receive the monthly updates.
    November 2013 Commencement of the Queen's Wharf Brisbane Facebook page.
    December 2013 Interstate and international advertising announcing that the Registration of Interest process had commenced. QWB display and shop front in George St open to the public for community consultation (until July 2015)
    2013 International market sounding undertaken.
  • DateAction
    29 May 2012 Queen's Wharf Brisbane  (QWB) - formerly Government Precinct Redevelopmentproject launched via Ministerial media statement.
    30 May 2012 Ministerial media statement released announcing support for the project.

Last updated: 06 Jun 2023