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Connors River Dam and Pipelines

Project overview*

EIS statusLapsed*
DescriptionA 373,662-megalitre dam, water from which will be transported via a 133 km pipeline to Moranbah and will primarily service coal mines (and associated communities) in Central Queensland's coal basins.
ProponentSunWater Ltd (a government-owned corporation)
  • Dam: on Connors River near Mount Bridgett, 110 km east of Moranbah and 70 km south of Sarina
  • Pipeline: will run from the dam to Moranbah
Local government/sIsaac Regional Council
Key features
  • roller-compacted concrete dam, including a central spillway and aquatic fauna transfer device
  • pipeline
  • associated infrastructure
  • recreational area beside water storage area
  • upgrade of access roads
  • commissioning of temporary resource extraction areas

*Project information supplied by proponent and subject to change.

Environmental impact statement (EIS) process

3 July 2021Coordinator-General’s report on EIS lapsed
28 June 2019The Coordinator-General stated a new lapse date for the Coordinator-General’s EIS evaluation report from 3 July 2019 to 2 July 2021.
30 June 2017The Coordinator-General stated a new lapse date for the Coordinator-General’s EIS evaluation report from 3 July 2017 to 3 July 2019.
16 December 2015The Coordinator-General stated a new lapse date for the Coordinator-General’s EIS evaluation report from 20 January 2016 to 3 July 2017.
19 April 2012Commonwealth Minister for the Environment's approval of 'controlled action', subject to conditions. More information
20 January 2012Coordinator-General's report on EIS released.
14 March 2011
6 February 2010 to
22 March 2010
Public consultation on EIS.
16 July 2009Terms of reference for EIS (PDF icon 319 KB) released.
31 January 2009 to
9 March 2009
Public consultation on draft terms of reference for EIS.
25 September 2008Project deemed a controlled action by Commonwealth Minister for the Environment. More information
28 August 2008Project referred to Commonwealth Minister for the Environment.
7 March 2008Gazettal of 'significant project' declaration (PDF icon 182 KB)
20 February 2008Application, including initial advice statement (PDF icon 534 KB), submitted.

Read more about the EIS process.

Australian Government approval

Commonwealth Minister for the Environment's approval of controlled action, subject to conditions.

More information

Last updated: 09 Nov 2021