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Inland Rail – Kagaru to Acacia Ridge and Bromelton

Project overview*

EIS statusCoordinator-General decided not to declare the project a coordinated project
Description Upgrade work at nine locations in a 49 km section of the existing operational interstate rail corridor to accommodate 1800 metre trains and double stacking of containers.
Proponent Australian Rail Track Corporation Limited
Location/s Kagaru to Acacia Ridge and Bromelton
Local government/s
  • Scenic Rim Regional Council
  • Logan City Council
  • Brisbane City Council
Investment $87 million
Key features
  • increased clearances under five existing road bridges and overhead service structures
  • two new crossing loops and extensions to two existing crossing loops
Expected completion 2025
  • 100 (construction)

* Project information supplied by proponent and subject to change.

Coordinated project assessment process

13 April 2021

The Coordinator-General decided not to declare (PDF icon 316 KB) the project a coordinated project.

19 March 2019 Application, including initial advice statement (PDF icon 24.7 MB) submitted.

Further information

Read more about the coordinated project assessment process.

Last updated: 16 Mar 2023