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Achievements and deliverables

Sulphuric Acid Supply Study

The Sulphuric Acid Supply Study ( 3.1 MB) will assist the Queensland Government to better understand the importance of sulphuric acid to Queensland and how the supply chains for sulphuric acid need to evolve to meet changing market dynamics.

Demand for sulphuric acid is expected to surge, with a host of new projects which rely on sulphuric acid at various stages of development across the North West and North East Minerals Provinces.

This study sets out to:

  • identify the global supply and demand for sulphur and sulphuric acid over the medium and long term
  • identify the supply and demand for sulphuric acid in the North West and North East Minerals Provinces over the medium and long term
  • forecast pricing for imported sulphur and sulphuric acid delivered to various demand centres in the North West and North East Minerals Provinces
  • identify options for the supply of sulphuric acid that meet the demands of current and proposed critical mineral, value-add phosphate, grid storage electrolyte and chemical manufactures in the North West and North East Minerals Provinces.

Key data has been removed to avoid disclosing potential commercial-in-confidence or sensitive information.

The blueprint

A Strategic Blueprint for Queensland’s North West Minerals Province ( 2.6 MB) has delivered a raft of new geological resources for industry, diversification opportunities in high value crops, opened new tourism markets and employment programs for young and Indigenous job seekers.

This also includes new opportunities arising as part of Queensland’s post COVID-19 economic recovery program of work.

North West Queensland Economic Diversification Strategy

The North West Queensland Economic Diversification Strategy ( 3.7 MB) is a key deliverable under the Blueprint. It identifies opportunities across the resources, agriculture, tourism, business, and industry sectors to support long-term sustainable growth in North West Queensland.

North West Queensland Economic Diversification Strategy Implementation Plan 2019-2021

The Implementation Plan 2019-2021 set out the framework to deliver 13 diversification initiatives across the three themes of:

  • enhanced investment environment
  • strong supply chain
  • sustainable communities.

North West Queensland Economic Diversification Strategy Implementation Plan to 2025

The Implementation Plan to 2025 ( 2.4 MB) builds on the successes of the first implementation plan. It is the culmination of years and investment and commitment by the Queensland Government. This implementation plan, supported by an additional $20 million in new funding will deliver new industry and businesses in the North West and reinvigorate supply chains from the east coast right across to our western border.

The Plan supports the resources, agriculture, tourism, business and industry sectors to grow and diversify this region by:

  • helping investors to take advantage of the opportunities in North West Queensland
  • innovating supply chains to promote new business opportunities
  • delivering a range of services to foster and grow thriving, vibrant communities.

Biennial review 2017-2019

A biennial review was undertaken of the blueprint to ensure the actions remained on track and continued to be responsive to the evolving circumstances in the North West Mineral Province. A Strategic Blueprint for Queensland’s North West Minerals Province- Biennial Review 2017-2019 ( 1.2 MB) outlines the progress and achievements made from July 2017 to November 2019.

The North West Agricultural Strategy

The North West Agricultural Strategy and Implementation Plan ( 3.9 MB)focuses on opportunities to enhance agricultural production and employment in North West Queensland. The plan is supported by documents developed in close consultation with key regional stakeholders, industry and supply chain partners.

North West Queensland Digital Visitor Survey

The North West Queensland Digital Visitor Survey ( 4.4 MB) is being used to support the development of the tourism industry, including marketing material and sourcing project funds.

North West Minerals Province Tailings Audit

The North West Minerals Province Tailings Audit ( 629.7 KB) outlines the economic opportunities in reprocessing mine waste materials, particularly low-grade mineral ores left behind in former or long-established mines.

North West Futures Forum

The Queensland Government hosted the 2018 North West Futures forum in Mount Isa, with government, community and industry leaders mapping the next wave of resource development and industry opportunities for the area. With over 100 attendees the forum provided a focal point to engage and provide valuable feedback on innovation and development opportunities for the region.

New Economy Minerals Investment Opportunities in Queensland’s Minerals Provinces

The New Economy Minerals Investment Opportunities in Queensland’s Minerals Provinces ( 6.3 MB) prospectus provides information to help accelerate exploration activities for the minerals needed in the production of renewable, medical and defence technologies.

More information

Enquiries about the blueprint can be emailed to North West Queensland Regional Office or by telephone 07 4747 3900.

Last updated: 22 Aug 2024