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Federal and state cooperation

The department is the backbone of Queensland Government infrastructure policy and planning, engaging with the Australian Government on a number of matters.

Smart Cities Plan

The Smart Cities Plan (2016) developed by the Commonwealth Government sets out the vision for metropolitan and regional cities, to maximise their potential through, smart investment, smart policy and smart technology. City Deals are a key mechanism of the Smart Cities Plan (2016) and provide a new approach for all levels of government to work together to plan and deliver transformative outcomes for Australian cities.

City Deals

The Prime Minister and Premier of Queensland have signed a historic memorandum of understanding (MOU) that sets out how the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments will work together cooperatively with local governments on City Deals in Queensland. The MOU sets out arrangements for the two levels of government to agree priority locations for City Deals that will focus on economic growth, jobs and housing, reduced travel times, and improved environmental outcomes to deliver measurable improvements to peoples’ quality of life and standards of living.

Townsville City Deal

Townsville is Australia’s-first City Deal and was developed in partnership with the Commonwealth Government, Townsville City Council and local community. This City Deal will deliver a prosperous economic future for Townsville and position Townsville as a vibrant, liveable and innovative Queensland city. The deal was signed by the Prime Minister, Premier and Mayor of Townsville on 9 December 2016, with the implementation plan released on 24 April 2017.

Infrastructure Australia

The department also coordinates Queensland’s whole-of-government submissions to Infrastructure Australia, who play an important role in prioritising nationally important infrastructure initiatives.

Last updated: 31 Aug 2023