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Local government infrastructure

Local governments plan and provide infrastructure for their communities. Local government infrastructure includes:

  • water supply and reticulation
  • sewage treatment
  • transport - local roads and active transport
  • stormwater management
  • parks
  • land for community facilities.

Planning and charging framework

We regularly review the local government infrastructure planning and charging framework. These reviews enhance the transparency, efficiency, equity and consistency of the system.

Plans and water netserv plans

Local government infrastructure plans (LGIP) are part of a planning scheme. They identify the local government's plans for trunk infrastructure that are necessary to service urban development at a desired standard of service in a coordinated, efficient and financially sustainable manner.

Under the South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009, distributor-retailers are responsible for preparing water netserv plans. These provide information about water and wastewater (sewerage) networks and services for at least 20 years.

Last updated: 09 Nov 2021