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Lower Fitzroy River Infrastructure Project

Project overview*

EIS statusApproved with conditions
Description The raising of Eden Bann Weir and construction of a new weir at Rookwood on the Fitzroy River, Central Queensland.
Proponent SunWater Ltd.
  • Eden Bann Weir: approximately 62 km north-west of Rockhampton
  • Rookwood Weir: approximately 66 km south-west of Rockhampton.
Local governments The project is located predominantly within the Livingstone Shire and Rockhampton Region local government areas (LGAs), but also borders the Central Highlands Region and Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire LGAs.
Investment $495 million (2014 dollars).
Key features
  • raising of Eden Bann Weir
  • construction of Rookwood Weir
  • associated infrastructure, including turtle and fish passage structures
  • augmentation of access roads and river crossings affected by the project.
Jobs 150 direct, peak construction and 5 direct operational jobs.

* Project information supplied by proponent and subject to change.

Project changes

Since the publication of the Coordinator-General's report on the EIS, the proponent has applied for changes to the Lower Fitzroy Infrastructure project.

Read more about the project changes.

Environmental impact statement (EIS) process

2 December 2022The Coordinator-General stated a new lapse date for the Coordinator-General’s EIS evaluation report of 8 December 2024.
11 November 2019 The Coordinator-General stated a new lapse date for the Coordinator-General’s EIS evaluation report of 8 December 2022.
28 February 2017 Commonwealth Minister for the Environment’s approval of 'controlled action', subject to conditions.
8 December 2016 Coordinator-General's report on EIS (PDF icon 6.8 MB) released.
14 September 2016 The Coordinator-General accepted the revised draft EIS and the AEIS Addendum as the final EIS.
9 August 2016 An Addendum (PDF icon 23.9 MB) to the AEIS.
28 May 2016 to 27 June 2016 Additional information to the draft EIS (AEIS) public consultation.
24 December 2015 Coordinator-General amended the project declaration lapse date from 3 March 2016 to 23 December 2016.
6 November 2015 Revised draft EIS requested by Coordinator-General.
18 July 2015 to 31 August 2015 Draft EIS public consultation
3 September 2014 Revised final terms of reference (PDF icon 1.1 MB) for EIS issued and project declaration lapse date therefore reset to 3 March 2016.
19 July 2014 to 18 August 2014 Revised draft terms of reference (PDF icon 786 KB) for EIS public consultation.
10 March 2014 Coordinator-General stated a new project declaration lapse date of 30 October 2014.
27 April 2012 Final terms of reference for EIS (PDF icon 279 KB) issued.
12 November 2011 to
16 December 2011
Draft terms of reference for EIS public consultation.
6 May 2011 Gazettal of 'coordinated project' declaration (PDF icon 175 KB)
9 November 2010 Application, including initial advice statement (PDF icon 3.44 MB), submitted.
7 January 2010 Commonwealth Minister for the Environment decided the project is a 'controlled action'. More information
22 October 2009 Project referred to Commonwealth Minister for the Environment.

Read more about the EIS process.

Further information

For more information, visit the Lower Fitzroy River Infrastructure Project website.

Last updated: 03 Apr 2023