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A faster more connected SEQ region

Delivering a more connected region that will drive productivity, reduce congestion and lift global competitiveness.

  • LocationBrisbane
    DescriptionThis new world-class landmark will create a faster and more convenient access route between the CBD, Kangaroo Point and eastern suburbs of Brisbane
    • Q1 2022 – Commencement of major works commence in the Brisbane River
    • Q1 2023 – Installation of first bridge span
    • Q4 2023 – Completion of main mast installation
    • Q3 2024 – Completion of the Kangaroo Point Green Bridge

    Led by Brisbane City Council, in partnership with the Australian Government.

    Investment $190.2 million
  • Location Brisbane
    Description The new busway station at Woolloongabba will improve connectivity between the Woolloongabba Cross River Rail station, Brisbane Metro Services and bus services on the South East Busway, supporting urban renewal across the precinct
    • Q3 2023 - Project plan agreed by the Australian and Queensland Governments and Brisbane City Council
    • Q2 2030 - Construction completed
      *Future milestones are subject to negotiation and will be identified and outlined through reporting processes.

    Led by the Queensland Government, in partnership with Brisbane City Council and the Australian Government.

    Investment $450 million
  • Location Brisbane
    Description Investigation to improve transport connectivity between the Woolloongabba and South Bank precincts and enhance pedestrian realm and place making at the Queensland Cultural Centre Busway station.
    • Q2 2022 – Commencement of project scoping and governance
    • Q3 2023 – Commencement of the Transport Study
    • Q2 2024 – Completion of the Transport Study and final report

    Led by Brisbane City Council in partnership with the Queensland Government and Australian Government.

    Investment $1 million
  • Location Logan
    Description Supporting the revitalisation of the Loganlea/Meadowbrook precinct through improved active transport and public transport connectivity and mobility investments.
    • Q3 2023 - Initiatives selected and project plan agreed to by the Australian Government, Queensland Government and Logan City Council
    • Q4 2024 - Staged delivery of infrastructure commitments with first tranche completed from 2024, subject to approvals
      *Future milestones are subject to negotiation and will be identified and outlined through reporting processes.

    Led by the Queensland Government, in partnership with Logan City Council and the Australian Government.

    Investment $45 million
  • Location Redland
    Description Upgrade of the Ferry Terminal at Junner Street, Dunwich
    • Q3 2023 – Finalisation of Gumpi Master Plan
    • Q4 2023 – Scoping of Dunwich Ferry Terminal Precinct Planning and delivery of project plan in consultation with stakeholders
    • TBC – Completion of project

      *Future milestones will be outlined in the Project Plan and will be identified and outlined through reporting processes.


    Led by the Queensland Government in collaboration with the Redland City Council and Australian Government.

    Investment $41 million
  • Location Region-wide
    Description Enabling Local Government to evaluate their road networks to identify opportunities for future safety improvements
    • Q3 2023 – Implementation of road network mapping and road network safety assessments
    • Q1 2024 – Completion of project

    Administered by the Queensland Government in collaboration with the Australian Government and Local Government.

    Investment $110,000
  • LocationIpswich
    DescriptionDelivering a Preliminary Evaluation for a public transport corridor between Ipswich Central and Springfield Central
    • Q2 2023 - Preliminary Evaluation project plan agreed by Australian and Queensland Governments and Ipswich City Council (subject to approvals)
    • Q3 2023 - Engagement of consultant to support delivery of Preliminary Evaluation
    • Q2 2024 - Completion of Preliminary Evaluation, including options analysis (subject to approvals)

    Led by the Queensland Government, in partnership with Ipswich City Council, in consultation with the Australian Government.

    Investment $2.5 million
  • LocationLogan
    DescriptionUndertaking of a strategic assessment of a proposed transport corridor to connect communities in Park Ridge, Flagstone and Yarrabilba with a direct link to the Logan and Gateway Motorways.
    • Q1 2024 - Commencement of strategic corridor planning
    • Q1 2025 – Draft Strategic Assessment presented to Australian and Queensland Governments and Logan City Council
    • Q2 2025 – Completion of Strategic Assessment of corridor, subject to approvals

    Led by the Queensland Government in partnership with the Logan City Council and Australian Government.

    Investment $1 million
  • Location Somerset
    Description Delivering targeted safety upgrades along the 89.52km Brisbane Valley Highway, supporting the major freight corridor between Somerset and greater SEQ
    • Q2 2022 – Completion of Fernvale project ($1.566 million) and Esk Pavement Rehabilitation (Australian Government ($4.4 million) and Queensland Government ($1.1 million))
    • Q3 2022 – Commence design phase of safety improvements to the Brisbane Valley Highway (Ipswich - Harlin), Warrego Highway to Fernvale
    • Q3 2022 – Commence planning for the development of an overtaking lanes business case for the Brisbane Valley Highway (Ipswich–Harlin)
    • Q2 2024 – Australian Government, Queensland Government and Somerset Regional Council prioritise and scope projects from new funding
    • Q4 2024 – Commencement of planning for further safety upgrades and future funding agreements
    • Q4 2026 – Completion of next tranche of safety upgrades from original funding commitments
    • 2027 – Further funding approvals and delivery of ongoing improvements to Brisbane Valley Highway.

      *Future milestones are subject to negotiation and will be identified and outlined through reporting processes


    Led by the Queensland Government, in partnership with the Australian Government and the Somerset Regional Council.

    Investment $45.966 million

Last updated: 04 Apr 2023