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Social infrastructure

Investment in social infrastructure is essential for the health, wellbeing and economic prosperity of our communities and developing social capital. It plays a pivotal role in connecting people, maintaining quality of life, developing skills and creating jobs, and ensuring the overall safety and wellbeing of Queenslanders.

The department is working across all levels of government, the private sector, academia, philanthropic and community services sector to plan and deliver enduring infrastructure for Queenslanders and provide inclusive and equitable access to services that support thriving, safe and resilient Queensland communities.

While all infrastructure provides social and economic benefits, the Queensland Government categorises social infrastructure as the physical facilities and spaces in the following areas:

Strategy for Social Infrastructure and Best Practice Guide for Social Infrastructure

The Strategy for Social Infrastructure ( 1.6 MB) is a framework that encourages more integrated, accessible, multi-functional and cost-effective social infrastructure delivery, improving services to communities.

The strategy is supported by a Best Practice Guide for Social Infrastructure ( 4.6 MB),  which outlines seven success factors that can be applied to assets. The guide showcases examples that collaborate and leverage funding to deliver good community outcomes.

Strategic alignment

The Queensland Government’s Strategy for Social Infrastructure and Best Practice Guide, alongside the State Infrastructure Strategy and Regional Infrastructure Plans, provide a framework for planning and designing the state’s social infrastructure. This framework aims to deliver social infrastructure that is more integrated, accessible, well-located, multi-functional, and cost-effective.

Collaborative partnerships

We are committed to fostering strong cross-sector partnerships that builds on the sectors’ experience to plan, design and build productive and enduring social infrastructure that is climate resilient, culturally welcoming and fit-for-purpose.

A strategic framework is in development, which aims to identify opportunities in early planning, bringing stakeholders and the community together to explore place-based solutions and develop the partnerships that will deliver optimal social and economic benefits.

Optimal community outcomes

Place-based planning builds our collective understanding of the community’s needs from the perspectives of the local people and different sectors active in a geographical area. Through this engagement and collaboration we can leverage the strengths and advantages of a place by delivering infrastructure and services in the right place, design buildings and spaces to enhance community health and wellbeing and incorporate flexibility to grow and adapt to evolving needs.

Collaborative cross-sector partnerships – The Buzz at Yarrabilba

The Buzz at Yarrabilba is a $7.4 million greenfield project, which demonstrates ground-breaking innovation through its collaborative cross sector partnership from early planning to operations. It is a shining beacon of what can be achieved when commitment and drive from project partners take an innovative business model, pool their resources and land, and design fit for purpose social infrastructure and services to achieve community outcomes of connecting, learning, earning, and innovating. The Buzz at Yarrabilba – Logan City Council

Building capacity to respond

The $15 million Community Infrastructure Investment Partnership program has boosted the capital funding of thirteen not-for-profit organisations to build fit-for-purpose infrastructure in response to emerging and growing local community needs. This investment has increased capacity in the sector to support people experiencing social and economic barriers and provided more spaces to connect the community, learn skills and improve health and wellbeing.

For more case studies visit PlaceConnect.


Online cross-sector collaboration in action

PlaceConnect connects the diverse people responsible for planning, sequencing and delivery of place-based social infrastructure across Queensland. This interactive platform supports an inclusive and secure cross-sector community of practice (CoP) where members learn from each other, share ideas and opportunities, and work together. PlaceConnect CoP aims to leverage collective experience and place-based understanding. It also supports collaboration across Queensland Government agencies.

If you are involved in planning or delivery of social infrastructure, then join the discussion on PlaceConnect.

Last updated: 23 Jan 2025