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Ipswich Hospital Redevelopment (Stage 1A)

Building Queensland led the development of a detailed business case for the Ipswich Hospital Redevelopment Stage 1A in partnership with West Moreton Health and Queensland Health.

The West Moreton Health Master Plan identifies a preferred configuration of facilities to support future service need and proposes a staged redevelopment of facilities across the catchment over 15 years, commencing with Stage 1A of the Ipswich Hospital Redevelopment.

The detailed business case for Stage 1A investigated:

  • a new mental health facility with 50 beds for adult acute and older persons
  • a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) suite
  • purchase and refurbishment of Ipswich City Council facilities to provide new facilities for community health and administration functions
  • upgrades to the existing at-grad car parks on the Ipswich City Council site and development of additional at grade car parking.

The detailed business case was completed in mid-2019 and is with the Queensland Government for consideration.

View a summary of the Ipswich Hospital Redevelopment Stage 1A Detailed Business Case, including cost benefit analysis.

Last updated: 09 Nov 2021