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Bruce Highway – Cairns Southern Access Corridor Stage 3 (Edmonton to Gordonvale)

The 9-kilometre section of the Bruce Highway from Edmonton to Gordonvale experiences significant delays during morning and evening peaks and has a high crash rate.

Building Queensland led the Bruce Highway Cairns Southern Access Corridor Stage 3 (Edmonton to Gordonvale) Detailed Business Case in partnership with the Department of Transport and Main Roads. The business case investigated the following upgrades to the Bruce Highway from Edmonton to Gordonvale:

  • four-lanes between Edmonton and Gordonvale
  • 4 kilometres of new two-lane carriageway
  • 7 kilometres of relocated (new) Queensland Rail line with improved flood immunity.

The detailed business case was endorsed by the Building Queensland Board in Q4 2017.

View the business case summary.

View the cost benefit analysis summary.

Last updated: 09 Nov 2021