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Public Safety Regional Radio Communications

Building Queensland completed the Public Safety Regional Radio Communications Detailed Business Case in September 2017. Developed in partnership with the Queensland Public Safety Agencies and the Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, the business case examined ways of improving radio communications for public safety agencies in regional Queensland.

The business case assessed enhanced digital radio voice and narrowband data communications for regional Queensland public safety agencies including:

  • Queensland Police Service
  • Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
  • Queensland Ambulance Services.

The business case investigated operational performance benefits of a new digital radio communications network, which would include:

  • improved network availability, coverage and global positioning
  • improved situational awareness and faster decision-making capabilities
  • alarm functionality enabling immediate response to frontline officer duress
  • noise cancelling functionality enabling effective communication where previously not possible
  • improved security through an encrypted network with full voice, data and location recording
  • interoperability between all three public safety agencies
  • improved communication signalling in buildings.

View the Public Safety Regional Radio Communications business case/cost benefit analysis summary.

Last updated: 09 Nov 2021