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Queensland Bioenergy Fund

Energy from biomass and organic waste has played an important role in Queensland’s energy supply for many decades. Using bioenergy to supplement a diverse energy mix will help deliver the clean, reliable and affordable energy system needed to meet our renewable-energy targets. It will also enable new industry growth, particularly in regional areas.

The Bioenergy Fund is investing $4 million to work with industry to:

  • investigate options and pathways to expand bioenergy generation from underutilised biomass waste streams
  • support technology innovation.

Priority areas for the Bioenergy Fund:

  • advancing biomass-to-electricity conversion technologies
  • enabling growth in the biogas and biomethane sectors.

The program will contribute matched financial assistance of $250,000 to $2 million, contributing up to 50% towards the total project cost.

Next steps for applicants

The Bioenergy Fund is a one-off grant program and applications to the fund are now closed.

Applications are being assessed against the established criteria in the Queensland Bioenergy Fund guidelines ( 1.3 MB). All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application once the assessment process is complete.

Further information

For more information on the fund or to discuss potential project opportunities, contact

Last updated: 02 May 2024