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Application for investigator's authority

An investigator’s authority is to allow persons, authorised by the Coordinator-General, to enter land to investigate its suitability for the development of an infrastructure facility.

A person proposing to apply for approval of a project as a 'private infrastructure facility' (PIF) may apply to the Coordinator-General for an investigator's authority.

Before applying for an investigator's authority, the proponent must seek the land owner's permission to access their land.

If permission is not granted, the proponent may apply to the Coordinator-General for an investigator's authority for the land.

Purpose of investigator's authority

Activities that are generally covered by an investigator's authority may include:

  • conducting surveys and taking samples
  • clearing vegetation to the extent reasonably necessary
  • constructing temporary access tracks.

The proponent must minimise the risk of damage to the land and rectify any loss or damage, failing which the owner may claim compensation.

The granting of an investigator's authority does not constitute development approval.

Compliance with conditions

The proponent must comply with any conditions imposed by the Coordinator-General in the investigator's authority, which may include a security deposit to cover site remediation or compensation expenses.


Proponents must pay the Investigator's authority fee prescribed in Schedule 6, Part 2 of the State Development and Public Works Organisation Regulation 2020.

Fee schedule 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025

The fee for applying for an investigator's authority under section 143 of the SDPWO Act is $43,215.

Please note:

  • goods and services tax (GST) does not apply to this fee
  • the making of an application and payment of the relevant fee does not guarantee that the application will be approved.

The fee is adjusted on 1 January each year to reflect movements in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over the 12 months to 30 September of the previous year. The CPI is based on the all groups index for Brisbane published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The CPI increase for fees payable in 2025 is 1.8%.

Additional costs

The Coordinator-General is also able to recover from the proponent reasonable costs of any services or advice which the Coordinator-General considers necessary to either decide on an application or take other action in relation to the project. Goods and services tax (GST) is applicable.

How to pay

Payment can be made via cheque, care of Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning.

Alternatively, via direct bank deposit to the following account:

Account name: Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
BSB: 064-013
Account number: 10007096
Reference: Please include the name of the project and stage of the process that the payment relates to (e.g. ‘XYZ Project PIF Application’)


Part 6, Division 7 of the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971.

Last updated: 20 Jan 2025