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Have your say

If a 'coordinated project' has the potential to cause environmental, social or economic impacts, the project proponent must prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) or an impact assessment report (IAR).

The public and state government advisory agencies are invited to make submissions on the draft EIS. Under most circumstances, submissions are also invited on the IAR.

State government advisory  agencies and, on occasions, the public may also be invited to comment or make  submissions on:

Proponent's public consultation activities

When preparing the draft EIS or IAR, project proponents consult with stakeholders and members of the community who may be impacted by the project.

Consultation activities can include community reference groups/consultative committees, letters, public meetings, media articles, email, newsletters and websites.

The proponent is required to report on the progress and outcomes of its public consultation activities when it provides the draft EIS or IAR to the Coordinator-General.

Proponents are also required to develop a stakeholder engagement strategy as part of the project's social impact assessment.

Notifying the public

Public notices inviting submissions on the draft EIS/IAR and applications for project change are published in local, regional and state newspapers. If the project is a 'controlled action' under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), the EIS public notice is published nationally.

A list of open public consultations is available at

Consultation period

Although the length of the consultation period is not prescribed, it typically runs for at least 30 business days. If the project is a 'controlled action' under the EPBC Act, the length of the EIS consultation period must be at least 28 calendar days.

Properly made submissions

A 'properly made' submission:

  • is made in writing to the Coordinator-General
  • is received on or before the deadline for submissions
  • states the name and address of each submitter
  • is signed by each submitter
  • states the grounds of the submissions and the facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds.

The Coordinator-General will consider all properly made submissions and may also consider submissions that are not properly made.


The Coordinator-General is authorised to collect personal information under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971.

The department will provide the project proponent with a copy of each submission. Personal information may also be disclosed to government agencies that have a role in review of the proposed project, and is also subject to disclosure under the Right to Information Act 2009.

Personal information will be collected for the purpose of:

  • considering your submission
  • evaluating the draft EIS/IAR or application for project change
  • completing the EIS/IAR or project change process
  • the performance of functions under the SDPWO Act and other legislation relevant to the proposed project.

Personal information will not otherwise be disclosed, unless disclosure is authorised or required by law, or is permitted under the Information Privacy Act 2009.

Further information

For more information, including how to make a submission, please refer to the following fact sheets:

Last updated: 16 Mar 2023