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H2-Hub Gladstone

H2-HubTM Gladstone

Project overview*

EIS statusEIS active
Description An industrial-scale green hydrogen and ammonia production complex at Yarwun in the Gladstone State Development Area to be built in stages with a total capacity of up to 3 GW of electrolysis plant and up to 5,000 tonnes of green ammonia production per day.
Proponent The Hydrogen Utility Pty Ltd
Location/s Approximately 8-10 km north-west of Gladstone. Map
Local government/s Gladstone Regional Council
Investment $4.7 billion
Key features
  • Production precinct - an industrial complex for the production of green hydrogen and ammonia located at Yarwun in the Gladstone State Development Area
  • Export precinct - co-located with existing ammonia storage and import facilities at Fisherman’s Landing Wharf at the Port of Gladstone
  • Product and logistics infrastructure corridor - linking production and export precincts
Construction start date 2026
  • 550 (construction)
  • 140 (operational)

* Project information supplied by proponent and subject to change.

Environmental impact statement (EIS) process

Currently Draft EIS being prepared by proponent.
11 July 2024The Coordinator-General stated a new project declaration lapse date of 5 August 2026.
3 February 2023 Terms of reference for an EIS ( 740.8 KB)
13 August 2022 to 13 September 2022 Draft terms of reference (PDF icon 360KB) for EIS public consultation.
11 April 2022 Gazettal ( 254.3 KB) of 'coordinated project' declaration.
25 March 2022 Commonwealth Minister for the Environment decided the project is a ‘controlled actionMore information

A project that has the potential to have a significant impact on matters of national environmental significance is called a ‘controlled action’ and requires assessment and approval under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth).

15 September 2021 Application, including initial advice statement ( 7.1 MB), submitted.

Media releases

Hydrogen and mining industry heavy weights making moves in CQ (12 April 2022)

Further information

Read more about the EIS process.

Last updated: 24 Jul 2024