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Port of Gladstone Gatcombe and Golding Cutting Channel Duplication Project

Project overview*

EIS statusApproved with conditions
Description Duplication of the existing Gatcombe and Golding Cutting shipping channels to allow for improved two-way passage by deepening and widening the existing channels. This will allow passage for larger vessels under all weather and tidal conditions.
Proponent Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited
Location/s Port of Gladstone. Map
Local government/s Gladstone Regional Council
Investment $760 million
Key features
  • dredging works to deepen and widen the existing channels to a depth of approximately 16.1 m, a width of 200 m and a total length of approximately 15 km
  • dredging a total of 12.85 million cubic metres
  • capital dredged material would be beneficially reused to create reclamation areas for potential future port infrastructure.
  • 386 full time equivalent (FTE) jobs (construction)
  • 23 FTE jobs (operational)

* Project information supplied by proponent and subject to change.

Environmental impact statement (EIS) process

24 December 2020 Commonwealth Minister for the Environment’s approval of 'controlled action', subject to conditions.
8 July 2020 Coordinator-General’s report on the final EIS (PDF icon 9.8 MB) released
30 September 2019 The Coordinator-General accepted the draft EIS as the final EIS.
25 September 2019 The proponent lodged a revised draft EIS.
12 August to 30 August 2019 Targeted consultation on the preliminary revised draft EIS with other government agencies.
9 July 2019 Additional information to the EIS requested by the Coordinator-General.
8 April 2019 to 23 May 2019 Draft EIS public consultation:
26 September 2018 Coordinator-General extended the project declaration lapse date to 30 September 2019.
22 September 2017 Coordinator-General extended the project declaration lapse date to 28 September 2018.
23 May 2016 Coordinator-General extended the project declaration lapse date to 30 September 2017.
2 December 2014 Coordinator-General extended the project declaration lapse date to 8 June 2016.
8 December 2012 Terms of reference for EIS (PDF icon 532 KB) released.
23 October 2012 Project deemed a 'controlled action' by Commonwealth Minister for the Environment. More information
6 October 2012 to
5 November 2012
Draft terms of reference for EIS public consultation.
26 September 2012 Project referred to Commonwealth Minister for the Environment.
25 September 2012 Gazettal of 'coordinated project' declaration (PDF icon 119 KB)
21 September 2012 Application, including initial advice statement (PDF icon 3 MB), submitted.

Read more about the EIS process.

Further information

For more information, visit the Gladstone Ports Corporation website.

Last updated: 16 Mar 2023