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Review of New Acland Mine Stage 3 EIS Evaluation Report

The Queensland Government made a commitment to scrutinise the approvals process for the New Acland Mine Stage 3 project.

The review considered the EIS Evaluation Report of the Coordinator-General as a step in the ongoing approval process for the project. The EIS Evaluation Report itself is not an approval. The proponent will need to obtain a number of approvals before the project can proceed; including the Commonwealth Environment Minister's approval.

The scope of the review was set by the terms of reference.

The terms of reference provided that the review consider the documents or other material held by the Coordinator-General relating to the EIS Evaluation Report. Therefore, the reviewer undertook a 'desk top review' and did not take oral evidence, invite submissions or hold hearings. View the report (PDF icon 943 KB).

The Coordinator-General responded (PDF icon 1.06 MB) to the findings of the review with detailed information about his evaluation of the EIS.

Personal information has been removed from the review and response documents. The Queensland Government is committed to protecting privacy and does not disclose personal information unless the disclosure is authorised, required by law or is permitted under the Information Privacy Act 2009. In some cases, to protect the privacy of individuals, it has been necessary to exclude whole attachments.


Coordinator-General's response

Social Benefit-Cost Analysis

The Department of Natural Resources and Mines separately commissioned, and has released a Rapid Social Benefit-Cost Analysis Report on the New Acland Coal Mine Stage 3.

Last updated: 08 Oct 2024