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Queensland defence industries roadmap

The 2020 Defence Strategic Update built on the legacy of the 2016 Defence White Paper to map Australia’s shifting strategic posture within the geopolitical environment. These challenges have led to rapid technological change occurring in Australia’s defence sector and our nation is continuing to see a surge in defence investment. The Queensland Government is supporting national endeavours to build Australia’s defence and sovereign capability. By driving capability and growth of our local defence industries and supply chains we can capture opportunities to generate high-skilled jobs for Queenslanders to help secure our economic future and cement our position as Australia’s next generation defence suppliers.

The Queensland Defence Industries 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan Edition 2 ( 14.3 MB) outlines Queensland's strengths, challenges and actions to grow this thriving sector. It builds on the momentum from previous achievements and outlines our vision that by 2028 Queensland will be Australia’s front line for defence industry by increasing the revenue contribution to the Queensland economy to $7 billion. This will include creating a 10,000-strong, highly skilled workforce that is renowned for its agility, innovation and depth of capability in supporting the Australian Defence Force and its allies.

Our vision will be achieved through a range of actions across three strategies:

  • grow Queensland defence industry capability
  • significantly increase Queensland’s defence industry contribution to the national and global defence markets
  • promote Queensland’s defence capabilities

The Roadmap complements the Aerospace 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan, Queensland Space Industry Strategy and the Queensland Defence, Maritime, Aerospace and Space Industry Skills Plan. Through the $3.34b Queensland Jobs Fund, the Queensland Government is implementing these plans together with industry to generate long term industry growth, creating jobs and strengthening Queensland’s economy.

Key actions include:

  • Defence Jobs Queensland is responsible for growing defence industry and enabling the delivery of the key strategies and priority actions
  • building industry and government networks such as through the Deputy Premier’s Advisory Council on Defence Industry and Jobs
  • supporting the defence industry through industry hubs in Ipswich and Townsville
  • delivering assistance through the Defence and Aerospace Industry Development Fund to help Queensland small-to-medium enterprises to obtain the accreditations needed to position for defence supply chains and compete in the global marketplace
  • engagement with the Australian Defence Organisation and industry to attract major defence projects to Queensland.

Last updated: 25 Aug 2022