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Post-implementation review

The Queensland Government has completed a post-implementation review (the review) of the SSRC Act. The final report ( 962.8 KB) on the review, including four recommendations, has been endorsed by the Queensland Government.

The final report ( 962.8 KB) identifies overall stakeholder support for the SSRC Act to be retained as it benefits regional communities.

The final report recommends that the Queensland Government:

  1. Retain the SSRC Act.
  2. Undertake a further review of the SSRC Act, particularly regarding the effectiveness of the social impact assessment (SIA) provisions.
  3. Implement collaborative data collection for the SSRC Act through:
    • engagement with the resource industry to obtain annual updates on how large resource projects are achieving the intent of the SSRC Act
    • ongoing collaboration with the resource industry to identify and leverage other avenues for data collection
    • obtaining and analysing government collected data to identify whether the effects of the SSRC Act can be isolated from other factors that would have an influence on communities.
  4. Improve awareness and understanding of the anti-discrimination provisions of the resource communities.

The Office of the Coordinator-General (OCG) is committed to implementing the review recommendations. For detailed information on the review recommendations, refer to the final report ( 962.8 KB).

For a snapshot of the review process, key findings and recommendations refer to the summary document ( 155.2 KB).

Frequently asked questions

  • The final report ( 962.8 KB), or Decision (Final) Review Report, completes the review of the SSRC Act. The final report builds on the consultation report ( 677.5 KB) which sought public comment on the SSRC Act’s effectiveness and the draft recommendations for the Act.

    The submissions received on the consultation report have been considered by the OCG in preparing the final report. The final report recommends that the SSRC Act is retained and makes three other recommendations to assist with enhancing and measuring the effectiveness of the Act.

  • The Government reviewed the SSRC Act in a process known as a post-implementation review to assess how effective it has been for regional communities.

    The review examined the actual observed impacts of the SSRC Act, including:

    • the costs and benefits of the Act since its implementation and any unintended consequences on the government, community and industry
    • the effectiveness of the Act in meeting its object of ensuring that residents of communities in the vicinity of large resource projects benefit from the construction and operation of these projects.
  • The Office of the Coordinator-General conducted the review, with assistance from the Department of Justice and Attorney-General and in consultation with the Office of Best Practice Regulation, which is part of the Queensland Treasury.

  • The review was conducted in line with the terms of reference ( 93.9 KB) for the review. The TOR addresses the requirements of the Office of Best Practice Regulation described in the Queensland Government Guide to Better Regulation (2019).

    The review was based on two phases of stakeholder engagement as described below.

    Phase 1 (February to September 2020)

    Consultation started in February 2020 and included targeted stakeholder engagement through structured interviews completed in September 2020. OCG asked directly affected stakeholders about their experiences and views on the roll-out of the SSRC Act and the effects on community, industry and government.

    An online survey was also provided to all targeted stakeholders and the broader community in August 2020. Some stakeholders provided written submissions in lieu of, or in addition to, interview or survey responses. The OCG also requested data from relevant stakeholders to ensure the review is evidence-based, where possible.

    Phase 2 (1 February 2021 to 30 April 2021)

    The consultation report was released for a 12 week public notification period from 1 February 2021 to 30 April 2021. The consultation report was published on the Coordinator-General’s website and the Get Involved website.

  • Our key deliverables and timeframes were:

  • For further information about the review, please email the review team at

Last updated: 09 Nov 2021