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Transforming an old mine site to produce critical minerals: the success story of the Mount Carbine historic mine waste expansion project

Transforming an old mine site to produce critical minerals: the success story of the Mount Carbine historic mine waste expansion project

The Mt Carbine historic mine waste transformation project aimed to prove the economic viability of the mine’s waste re-treatment by recovering industry-critical tungsten minerals. The success of the project has meant new jobs for Queenslanders and new access to minerals at a time they’re critically needed.

As Queensland transitions to a zero emissions future, we’re aiming to build a resilient, responsible and sustainable resources sector that grows alongside our renewable energy supply chain.

Queensland’s mining equipment, technology and services (METS) sector is leading the development of innovative, world-first solutions to assist the global mining and energy industries to improve operation efficiencies and environmental management.

One recent success story from the sector is the Mt Carbine historic mine waste transformation project, which aims to maximise the return from the Mt Carbine mining leases and position the mine as a top three tungsten producer outside China (by output).

The Mt Carbine historic mine waste transformation project

Located north-west of Cairns in Far North Queensland, the Mt Carbine mine was a major producer of tungsten when it operated from 1973 to 1987. Much of the deposit is still unexplored and with major advances in ore sorting technology, it’s now possible to not only explore the potential for new tungsten mineralisation in the area, but to re-sort the mine’s historic waste to extract more tungsten.

In July 2020, EQ Resources Limited secured $220,000 in funding from the Queensland Government’s METS Collaborative Project Fund for the Mt Carbine historic mine waste transformation project, to undertake a 9-month program to optimise scale-up application of the ore sorting technology.

World-class tungsten resources

With the highest melting and boiling points of all pure minerals and a tensile strength that makes it one of the hardest metals, tungsten is one of several minerals that will be critical to the success of decarbonisation efforts across the world.

Used for a wide variety of commercial and industrial applications, tungsten will be critical to the production of renewable energy infrastructure and technologies.

Australia has the second-most tungsten resources in the world, with 11% of the world’s supplies. EQ Resource’s strategic roadmap lays out their plan to maximise return from the Mt Carbine mining leases and surrounding exploration tenements, to become a top 3 tungsten producer (by output) outside China.

Funding a mine waste recovery success story

The aim of the Mt Carbine historic mine waste transformation project was to prove the economic viability of the mine’s waste re-treatment. The project was successfully completed in August 2019 and provided EQ Resources with the confidence to complete a Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) using the results of the project’s work in December 2021. With the positive results from the BFS, EQ Resources was able to raise $6 million to fund an expansion and early works program which was completed in the first half of 2022.

‘The grant provided by METS Ignited allowed us to mobilize different expertise from our project partners, including TOMRA, The University of Queensland, CRONIMET and DAS Mining Solutions,’ says Kevin MacNeill, EQ Resources CEO. ‘Their work, aimed at transforming our ideas for a sustainable re-mining operation at our Mt Carbine flagship site into reality, proved invaluable and accelerated our planned industrialisation significantly.’

The project has been so successful that it’s supported the doubling of production at Mt Carbine and approximately 65 full time jobs. EQ Resources have also secured $600,000 in funding from the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre, allowing a significant ramping up of the industralisation solution developed through the support of the Collaborative Project Fund.

In May 2023, NRW Holding’s subsidiary Golding Contractors signed a contract with EQ Resources to restart the open pit mining operations at Mt Carbine mine, with the project set to employ an additional 50 people.

A commitment to METS in Queensland

Queensland has a world-leading METS sector. It employs 29,600 people across Queensland, with $7 billion revenue and $3.07 billion in value add for our economy.

Read more about the Queensland Government’s commitment to a thriving, globally competitive METS sector.

Last updated: 06 Jun 2023