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Cement Australia

Cement Australia is a proud and long-standing member of the Central Queensland (CQ) region pioneering operations in the Mount Larcom and Yarwun Districts.

Local cement manufacture is critical to Queensland and Gladstone’s ongoing economic development. Cement Australia’s operations have evolved and expanded as new challenges, technologies and opportunities have emerged.

Capability and contribution

Cement Australia has a long history in decarbonisation and the circular economy. It is the largest recycler of by-products from the power and steel industries through its use of Fly ash and Slag to replace cement in concrete.

Via its Geocycle business, Cement Australia is also one of largest processors of liquid hazardous wastes enabling resource and energy recovery though its clinker manufacturing processes.

Cement Australia is committed to achieving a carbon reduction of 40% by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050.

To achieve this, the company will be further expanding its use of Fly ash and Slags as well as increasing the use of waste derived fuels including tyres and construction wastes.

Importantly, Cement Australia is also looking to further decarbonise through the use of CO2 as input into new and green industries being proposed for the CQ region.

We welcome the ability to work with government, industry and the community to accelerate decarbonisation, grow the circular economy and to secure a strong and sustainable cement industry for the future.

Last updated: 09 Dec 2022